New Studio BUild

Just a quick update and an explanation why there hasn’t been any new work posted lately. I’ve been building a new studio and it’s slowly coming into focus. I’m hoping to get the windows this week and the doors soon after (everything is delayed these days!)
I’m looking forward to finally being able to work on larger projects that have been in the back of my mind for ages.
Check out my Instagram for more updates.

New Work + Process Shots

Here is the latest work August Star.

I’d thought I’d share a little of the process that made it. Below, are the main photographs that make up the finished work. These are all double and multiple exposure photographs taken out in the field. Usually, after a day of shooting I come home and combine and layer those photos in the camera (with Nikon cameras, it’s called Image Overlay)…then I go out and shoot the next day using those pictures as a possible start to new images. When I’m happy with what I have (usually around 300-400 images) I take all of those photos and start layering them on the computer to see what combinations I can come up with. The resulting shapes and colours are always’s an exciting part of the process and the working images can sit on my screen for days as I play around with different combinations.

The final stage is to create a print of the image to see if it works on paper. Sometimes there’s a big difference between what you see on screen and what you hang on your wall….it doesn’t always make the transition!


Trestle Brewery Show

For the month of December I’m the featured artist at Trestle Brewery in Parry Sound. If you’re around town be sure to stop in for a fantastic pint and some great food. 


Ojibway Club Art Show


The Ojibway Club Art Show runs this weekend and it was really fun to finally be a participant. Such a beautiful spot and a great old building! If you’re in Pointe au Baril be sure to stop in and see the amazing art. 


New Ideas

Trying some new ideas by combining multiple images. I love watching kingfishers and luckily caught one image as this guy as he wizzed by. The blue feathers seemed to go with the white quartz. 


detail of above image...


A couple of new pieces.  



Spring has finally arrived here and as soon as things warm up I’d like to get out on the islands. The windswept rocks showcase the amazing geology of the Georgian Bay and I’m itching to explore it. 


Petroglyph - 2018


The snow is almost gone (it’s really holding on this year!) and lots of new photo possibilities. Looking forward to getting out on the water and seeing what’s on the islands out in the Bay. 

New Work

Recently I’ve been working on some new ideas and it’s exciting to finally post the results. We are lucky to be surrounded by incredible geology along the shores of Georgian Bay. To build roads the rock often needs to be blasted through and what results are towering rock cuts. The layers of exposed metamorphic rock can be stunning. Melted and squished together, under intense pressure and heat, the various minerals swirl together like a massive geological marble cake. This area was once home to an ancient mountain range, much like the Rocky Mountains, and was scrapped and ground down by the glaciers to expose what we see today.

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February Snow Drifts

  With the winds on Georgian Bay, the snow and ice are constantly changing. Last week these small shark fin snow drifts developed among the patches of bare ice. 


Ice Waves - February 2018

Freeze - Thaw

This winter the temperatures have been up and down. Rain one day and heavy snow with bone chilling cold the following. Fortunately they can capture little scenes like this...and if you’re lucky, you have your camera handy... 



Frozen Creek - January 2018

Welcome to the new site!

I’m very happy to finally have a home for my fine art photography! It’s still in the early stages but I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. Many thanks to Alissa Sexton for her direction and vision! Without her, I’d still be in that “I’m gonna get to that...” stage.

Check back soon for updates and if you’re interested in a print please use the contact form to get in touch.


Night Ice - 2017

Night Ice - 2017